Every individual in this world has two faces, one that individual shows in front of you andone that can be seen behind your back. But what can be the reason for it. Well, the onlyreason is that in today’s world everything is calculated and planned. It means that if someone wants something from you, he / she will definitely please you and will be there for you anytime you call that individual. But what will happen after that individual gets the benefit or thing that he / she was after, from you. The whole scenario changes. The sameindividual starts neglecting you and different reasons are created to make sure you keepfaith on that person. But still there are people who have a golden heart and who cares for everyone they meet and don't want any benefit or thing from anyone, these people are called correct people. So, the people around you matters a lot as they not only show yoursocial connectivity but also represents the society in which you move in day to day life.Being in the connectivity of correct persons is always good as there is no hidden reasonbehind it. But, when you get along with people who have hidden faces, there is always adestruction of your social image and mental make up.